Toast Stack
A toast container that animates in and stacks toast elements.
import '@capitec/omni-components/toast';
import { OmniToastStack } from "@capitec/omni-components-react/toast";
Slotted Toasts
Show From Script
Create From Script


Name Attribute Type Description
position position 
| 'top'
        | 'bottom'
        | 'left'
        | 'right'
        | 'top-left'
        | 'top-right'
        | 'bottom-left'
        | 'bottom-right'
The position to stack toasts
reverse reverse 
boolean | undefined
Reverse the order of toast with newest toasts showed on top of the stack. By default newest toasts are showed at the bottom of the stack.
dir dir 
Used to set the base direction of text for display
lang lang 
Used to identify the language of text content on the web

Instance Functions

Name Parameters Returns Description
init - ShowToastInit
Push a toast message onto the toast stack.
instance - Toast,
options - ShowToastOptions
Push an existing toast instance onto the toast stack.

Static Functions

Name Parameters Returns Description
init - ToastStackInit
ToastStack | undefined
Creates a new <omni-toast-stack> element with the provided context and appends it to the DOM (either to document body or to provided target parent element).

Supported Global Attributes

Attribute Type Description
Duration milliseconds that a slotted toast must be shown in the stack before it is removed.


Name Type Description
Dispatched when the a toast is removed from the stack.
Dispatched from a toast when it is removed from the stack.


Name Type
     * The id to apply to the ToastStack element.
    id?: string;

     * The container to append the ToastStack as child. If not provided will append to a new div element on the document body.
    parent?: string | HTMLElement | DocumentFragment | null;

     * The position to stack toasts
    position?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right' | 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right';
     * Reverse the order of toast with newest toasts showed on top of the stack. By default newest toasts are showed at the bottom of the stack.
    reverse?: boolean;
     * The type of toast to display.
    type: 'success' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'info' | 'none';

     * The toast title.
    header?: string;

     * The toast description.
    detail?: string;

     * If true, will display a close button that fires a `close-click` event when clicked and removes the toast from the stack.
    closeable?: boolean;

     * If provided will be the time in millisecond the toast is displayed before being automatically removed from the stack.
    duration?: number;

     * Content to render before toast message area.
    prefix?: RenderFunction | RenderResult;

     * Content to render inside the component message area.
    content?: RenderFunction | RenderResult;

     * Content to render as the close button when `closeable`.
    close?: RenderFunction | RenderResult;
     * If provided will be the time in milliseconds the toast is displayed before being automatically removed from the stack.
    duration?: number;

     * If true, will display a close button that fires a `close-click` event when clicked and removes the toast from the stack.
    closeable?: boolean;


Name Description
Used to define content that is displayed while async rendering is awaiting, or when renderLoading() is implicitly called
[Default Slot]
Toast(s) to be displayed

Theme Variables

Name Description
Theme primary color.
Theme primary hover color.
Theme primary active color.
Theme accent color.
Theme accent hover color.
Theme accent active color.
Theme background color.
Theme background hover color.
Theme background active color.
Theme font color.
Theme disabled border color.
Theme disabled background color.
Theme disabled background color.
Theme error border color.
Theme hint font color.
Theme inactive color.
Theme inactive color.
Theme font family.
Theme font size.
Theme font weight.
Theme border radius.
Theme border width.
Theme box shadow.

Component Variables

Name Description
The z-index of the stack.
The font color applied to the stack.
The position from the bottom toast position is set to bottom, bottom-left, or bottom-right.
The position from the bottom toast position is set to top, top-left, or top-right.
The position from the bottom toast position is set to left, top-left, or bottom-left.
The position from the bottom toast position is set to right, top-right, or bottom-right.
The vertical gap between toast elements in the stack.