The effect to animate the route into and out of view with, e.g. fade, slide, pop.
Indicator if the route template should be cached and reused, or recreated every time the route is navigated to.
Set to load this route if the base URL of the web app is loaded.
Set to load this route by if no route is loaded.
Optional metadata to store on the route.
The unique identifier for the route, must be the tag name of the web component if tag is not set.
The relative URL path for the route to set in the browser navigation bar.
The tag name of the web component to render for this route.
CSS classname to attach to the route page when loading, useful to apply page level theme variables.
The window title to set when the route is loaded.
Function to execute to determine if the view is allowed to be loaded.
Function to execute that lazy loads the web component.
The animation to load a page in with when routing.
The routed location information.
The URL anchor tag part, e.g. "hello"
The URL host part, e.g. "localhost"
The full browser URL, e.g.http://localhost:3000/todos/1234?foo=bar#hello
The URL path part, e.g. "/todos/1234"
The URL path part as a key value pairs, e.g. { id: 1234 }
The URL port part, e.g. 3000
The URL protocol part, e.g. "http"
The URL query string part, e.g. "?foo=bar"
The URL query string part as a key value pairs, e.g. { foo: "bar" }
The route configuration that matches the location.
The callback function invoked when a route is loaded.
List of events dispatched by the router.
Generated using TypeDoc
A navigable route configuration.